That’s what we’ll be looking for today in Commander 2020. And since the people who bought the 100-card deck with Dockside Extortionist in it aren’t liable to want to trade away one of their deck’s best cards, there just aren’t enough copies to go around. If you’re in the market for Dockside Extortionist, however, you probably need multiple copies for your existing decks. Think about it this way: if you’re in the market for a card like Gavi, Nest Warden, it’s probably for a brand-new deck that’s going to play out similarly to Timeless Wisdom. Dockside Extortionist and Ohran Frostfang are two of the most expensive rares from Commander 2019, and that’s because you can fit them into all sorts of different Commander decks. Single-color cards are better than multicolored cards and artifacts are best of all. Basically, you’re looking for cards with as much universal demand as possible. What cards should you buy right now, then? Future format staples. Want to buy sexy reprints like Fluctuator? Wait at least six weeks for the price to stabilize. This is especially true for cards that have only been printed once or twice before and were primarily expensive due to low supply. Omnipresent staples like Seedborn Muse or Chromatic Lantern are exceptions to this rule - those cards will always rebound due to extremely heavy demand - but otherwise, reprinted cards tend to drop in price and remain low for years to come. Second, avoid investing in nearly all reprints. I suspect she’ll be a pretty popular new Commander, but if you’re going to build around her, why not just buy the whole deck instead of the single? These cards have broken out before - Atraxa, Praetors’ Voice says hi - but it’s incredibly rare, and it usually only happens if the deck’s theme is already very popular.
Commander 2020 full#
Luckily, Timeless Wisdom is a deck full of cycling cards that support building around Gavi. For example, Gavi, Nest Warden is a three-color card that’s not really worth playing unless your deck has a heavy cycling theme. First, avoid narrow cards that only play well with the overall theme of the deck. Here’s my Commander pre-con speculation strategy in a nutshell. We’ve got almost a full decade of Commander releases to paw through at this point, though, and my approach to speculating on the contents of these decks hasn’t really changed since we last talked about it in August. Many Commander cards usually need at least a year to start maturing, and sometimes it takes even longer. Unfortunately, it’s too soon to go back to Commander 2019 in order to see which cards turned out to be the best long-term spec targets, which is how I usually start these reviews. And since Commander sets are often among the best speculation opportunities of the year, I wanted to make sure that I dedicated at least one full article to analyzing the contents of Commander 2020. Since 2020 is “The Year of Commander” and Ikoria was already a fairly Commander-centric set, WotC decided to release Commander 2020 this spring instead of waiting for the fall. This is true, but Wizards of the Coast (WotC) aren’t just releasing one set this spring - they’re releasing two. Wait, really? Another set review? Cassie, didn’t you just spend the past two-and-a-half weeks completely breaking down the entirety of Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths?