The enhanced and expanded versions of Grand Theft Auto 5 come to PS5 and Xbox Series X on March 15 digitally, with physical versions of the game arriving sometime in April. As of Friday, players can upload their save progress through the Rockstar Games Social Club. Rockstar also announced that players will be able to carry over their GTA 5 story saves (and their GTA Online progress) to the PS5 and Xbox Series X versions - and that one-time transfer carries cross-generation and cross-platform. Players will feel new sensations for weather effects, directional damage, road surfaces, and, suitably, explosions. On PlayStation 5, Rockstar also highlighted new DualSense controller haptic feedback and adaptive trigger features. Suitably, the new versions of GTA 5 will also include “highly detailed new explosions.” Rockstar reiterated its broader visual improvements to GTA 5, which include faster load times improved lighting, shadows, and water reflections and increased population, traffic variety, and vegetation density. Performance RT mode is exclusive to the PS5 and Xbox Series X versions of GTA 5, delivering a hybrid of the previously mention modes, with upscaled 4K resolution, ray tracing, and a 60 fps target.
On PS5 and Xbox Series X, that 60-fps gameplay will run at upscaled 4K resolution, while the Series S version runs at 1080p resolution. The game’s Performance Mode is “tuned for the most responsive gameplay experience” and targets 60 fps. On Xbox Series S, Fidelity Mode will deliver upscaled 4K resolution. The PS5 and Xbox Series X versions will run with native 4K resolution, with ray tracing enabled. GTA 5’s Fidelity Mode is “tuned for the highest visual quality” and targets 30 frames per second. On Friday, Rockstar detailed just how the PS5 and Xbox Series X versions of the “expanded and enhanced” GTA 5 will perform across those platforms. Added larger versions of some of the shapes in the Glass Props Gallery.When Grand Theft Auto 5 makes the leap to current-generation consoles - PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X - in March, the newest version of Rockstar Games’ crime epic will offer three graphics settings that will let players tailor their experience to their needs.Tan Cliff Cave Gallery - A new material on cave gallery assets to help build terrain.Snow Dune Gallery - Larger snow terrain assets to help with building snowy landscapes.Background Sand Dune Gallery - Sand dune assets that can be used for island background scenery.10 Background Buildings Galleries - Multiple background building and skyscraper assets that can be used to build different island background scenery.

3 Background Sand Dunes Prefabs - Large single asset sand dunes that can be used in island background scenery.4 Background Buildings Prefabs - These are low memory single asset building groups that can be used in island background scenery.Get a second chance if you don't land your shot the first time! (And a third. Hunter Bolt-Action Sniper - The Hunter Bolt-Action Sniper deals high damage and can shoot three shots per clip.Sidearm Pistol - A trusty weapon to have by your side, the Sidearm Pistol is an accurate weapon that deals high damage at medium range and high headshot damage at close range.It stings at medium range more than one may expect! Stinger SMG - Appropriately named, the Stinger SMG deals high damage to both opponents and structures.The Auto Shotgun may not deal as much damage as the Striker Pump per shot, but it has a faster fire rate and reloads two shells at a time. Auto Shotgun - An automatic ally that lays down some serious firepower.Striker Pump Shotgun - The Striker Pump Shotgun shoots a whole lot of pellets and boasts high burst damage.Align your target with the sight's red dot!

This Assault Rifle has a sight you can use while aiming.